

MTS Spark Wave® Therapy – a new method for the active promotion of wound healing

Chronic skin lesions frequently lead to a drastic deterioration of quality of life, high treatment costs and lasting pain. Spark Wave Therapy establishes a new treatment method in the field of wound healing that actively promotes the healing process. Shockwave therapy has proven to be an effective alternative to conservative treatment practices in this area.

Cellulite treatment with Spark Wave® Therapy – for fundamental revitalization of the skin

Cosmetic indications such as cellulite or stretch marks occur most frequently to women. Over 80 % of all women are confronted at least once in their lifetime with cellulite, mainly at thighs, buttocks region as well as at the upper arms. Although cosmetic indications are not recognized as a “disease”, they represent a serious problem as it reduces physical, as well as a psychological, well-being for many women.

MTS’s innovative Spark Wave Therapy represents a gentle and, at the same time, effective treatment option for cosmetic indications.

How does Spark Wave® Therapy work in aesthetics?

The beneficial effects of Spark Waves can be used directly in the treatment of cosmetic indications. During the therapy, the biological regeneration mechanisms of Spark Waves are utilized, as they

  • Initiate the development of new blood vessels
  • Activate the cell metabolism within the treated areas
  • Improve microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat tissue and stimulate lipid catabolism in lower tissue layers

These factors lead to a fundamental revitalization of the connective tissue as well as to the reduction of girth of the treated body parts.

Which aesthetic indications is Spark Wave® Therapy qualified for?

  • Cellulite
  • Scarring / Stretch Marks
  • Lymphoedema

How is the treatment conducted?

The treatment is conducted ambulatory with only very minor side effects. Ultrasound gel is applied directly onto the area to be treated. The applicator is put at the skin`s surface and the Spark Waves are released while moving the applicator along the affected area. The amount of applied Spark Waves depends on the type and extent of indication.

Treatment duration & number of treatments

For optimal treatment results, we recommend one to two Spark Wave sessions per week for a total of approximately three to six sessions.

Science Literature

For further information please visit MTS Science.

MTS Spark Waves® Therapy – a new method for the active promotion of wound healing

Chronic skin lesions often lead to a drastic deterioration of the quality of life, to high treatment costs and lasting pain. Spark Wave Therapy establishes a new treatment method in the field of wound healing that actively promotes the healing process. This new therapy has already proven to be an effective supplement to common practices.

What is the effect of MTS Spark Waves® in wound healing?

MTS Spark Waves re-initiate the stagnating healing process in a subacute and chronic state; in an acute stage they initiate a quick and effective healing process. They stimulate the natural healing mechanisms of the tissue and cause biological responses at the cellular level:

  • Activating the release of growth factors
  • Inducing stem cell proliferation and migration
  • Enhancing cell metabolism
  • Stimulating angiogenesis and vasculogenesis
  • Modulating inflammatory processes
  • Promoting tissue remodelling and regeneration

Taken together, these factors stimulate the body`s own regenerative and repairing processes, promote the development of new and healthy tissue and lead to improved wound healing.

Which indications in the field of wound healing is MTS Spark Wave® Therapy qualified for?

  • Posttraumatic lesions
  • Postoperative healing disorders
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Burns

How is the treatment conducted?

The Spark Wave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment, is well tolerated by patients, easy to apply on an outpatient basis and does not require any anaesthesia. Prior to the application of Spark Waves to the affected area, sterile ultrasound gel is applied directly on the wound and covered with a sterile foil.  With further ultrasound gel, the applicator is put at the foil’s surface and the Spark Waves are released while moving the applicator along the affected area. The amount of Spark Waves applied depends on the wound type, size and degree.

Treatment duration & number of treatments

The treatment session lasts only a few minutes and is repeated once at 1-2 weeks interval, as long as necessary.

Science Literature

For further information please visit MTS Science.

Spark Wave® Therapy – an innovative therapy concept for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers

Approximately 10 million people are suffering from diabetes mellitus in Germany.  About 15 % of them are diagnosed with diabetic foot ulcers at least once in their life which results in about 50’000 amputations per year. Further 230’000 new diabetic foot ulcer patients are recorded in Germany every year.  The global prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8 % in 2000 and 4.4 % in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030 (Wild et al., “The global prevalence of diabetes”, DIABETES CARE, Vol. 27, Nr. 5, 2004).

What are diabetic foot ulcers and how do they develop?

Diabetic foot ulcers represent a major complication of diabetes mellitus. They result from an increased level of blood sugar that occurs in consequence of a long-term lack of insulin. In the long term, the increased blood sugar content damages nerves and blood vessels of the foot. Consequently, damaged foot nerves retard the perception of painful stimuli in the feet and minor injuries are often recognized too late. Lesions are infected, heal badly, or may not heal at all due to a disturbed blood circulation. In worst case, the tissue dies and the affected limb needs to be amputated. As diabetic foot ulcers often concern the elderly population, aging nations urgently require a successful long-term therapy option to avoid rising amputation rates in the future.

Spark Wave® Therapy – an innovative therapy solution for DFU

Currently, Spark Wave Technology is being introduced for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with very encouraging results. Research has proven that “… shockwaves have a significant positive effect in accelerating chronic wound healing”.  Although the complete mechanism of action of Spark Wave Therapy has not been identified yet, the physical Spark Wave energy was shown to induce tissue regeneration. Several researchers demonstrated that Spark Wave Therapy leads to biological responses at the cellular level including:

  • Activating the release of growth factors
  • Inducing stem cell proliferation and migration
  • Enhancing cell metabolism
  • Stimulating angiogenesis and vasculogenesis
  • Modulating inflammatory processes
  • Promoting tissue remodelling and regeneration

Taken together, these factors initiate the repair of chronically inflamed tissue by stimulating endogenous, regeneration-associated mechanisms which result in a long-lasting healing process.

How is the treatment conducted?

The Spark Wave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment, is well tolerated by patients, easy to apply on an outpatient basis and does not require any anaesthesia. Prior to the application of Spark Waves to the affected area, sterile ultrasound gel is applied directly on the wound and covered with a sterile foil.  With further ultrasound gel, the applicator is put at the foil’s surface and the Spark Waves are released while moving the applicator along the affected area. The amount of Spark Waves applied depends on the wound type, size and degree.

Treatment duration & number of treatments

The treatment session lasts only a few minutes and is repeated weekly or every two weeks as long as necessary.

Science Literature

For further information please visit MTS Science.