The innovative therapy of chronic lameness
Spark Wave Therapy represents a non-invasive therapy option for various indications in veterinary medicine. Its efficacy is clinically proven.
At a glance:
- Proven for indications in horses and small animals
- Three different therapy heads available
- Short treatment duration
- Low operational costs
vetgold100 has been designed for the use in veterinary clinics and offices. A variety of therapy heads as well as a broad energy range allow the successful treatment of all known veterinary shock wave indications in horses as well as small animals. vetgold100 represents an innovative therapy option, especially for the treatment of chronic lameness in horses. It is designed compact and lightweight which makes the therapy system suitable and comfortable for mobile use.
Indications in horses
- Suspensory desmitis: origin, body and insertions
- Tendinitis of the flexor tendons: acute and chronic
- Stress fractures
- Avulsion fractures
- Splint bone fractures
- Periostitis: sore shins
- Sesamoiditis
- Arthritides: bone spavin, ring bone
- Interosseus ligament tears
- Bone cysts (MC3)
- Plantar tarsal ligament desmitis
- Navicular syndrome
- Sacro-iliac conditions and back myalgias
- Kissing spines
- Caudal foot pain
- Ligamentum nuchae
Indications in small animals
- Treatment of soft tissue indications at and below the skin surface
- Treatment of bone diseases
- Degenerative joint disease
- Spondylosis
- Arthritides: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and chronic arthritis of other joints
- Tendinitis: calcifying tendinitis
- Fractures: non-unions and delayed unions
- Lick granuloma
- Non-healing wounds